How can I tell foremore my order is ready?
- Go to your deliveries page -
- Click “Edit” in the row of the delivery you want to change
- Toggle “Ready to be picked up?” at the top of the screen
- Confirm it by clicking “Change delivery”
Once your order is ready a foremore rider will receive a notification to ask them to come and pick up the delivery.

How can I see information about my delivery?
- Go to your deliveries page -
- Click the delivery id in the row of the delivery you’re interested in
- See all the delivery information including the status, rider information, expected delivery time, etc.
How do I bulk assign deliveries?
Only available for enterprise users
If you want to assign multiple deliveries at once to a particular rider. foremore will let you do this easily.
- Go to your deliveries page -
- Filter for the criteria you want
- In the first column on the left, mark which deliveries you want to change by ticking the checkbox
- Click the “Driver” column header and this should show a pop up
- Select a rider in the pop up to perform a bulk update on and click “Update”