How can I tell foremore my order is ready?

  1. Go to your deliveries page -
  2. Click “Edit” in the row of the delivery you want to change
  3. Toggle “Ready to be picked up?” at the top of the screen
  4. Confirm it by clicking “Change delivery”

Once your order is ready a foremore rider will receive a notification to ask them to come and pick up the delivery.

Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 20.43.35.png

How can I see information about my delivery?

  1. Go to your deliveries page -
  2. Click the delivery id in the row of the delivery you’re interested in
  3. See all the delivery information including the status, rider information, expected delivery time, etc.

How do I bulk assign deliveries?

Only available for enterprise users

If you want to assign multiple deliveries at once to a particular rider. foremore will let you do this easily.

  1. Go to your deliveries page -
  2. Filter for the criteria you want
  3. In the first column on the left, mark which deliveries you want to change by ticking the checkbox
  4. Click the “Driver” column header and this should show a pop up
  5. Select a rider in the pop up to perform a bulk update on and click “Update”